Features & Benefits
In our efforts towards making investments more convenient we bring to you INVEST FIRST++ - our online platform for mutual fund investments on RBL Bank’s Internet Banking and RBL MoBank (mobile banking).
Now open Investment Account online within 5 minutes on Internet Banking and start investing instantly. No Branch visits and documentation required!.
Take a quick tour of INVEST FIRST++

Transact Online
Purchase, Switch and Redeem - SIP & Lumpsum

Track Investments
View and download portfolio, transactions reports

Paperless Transactions
No form filling and signing of documents

Secure & Efficient
Quick processing and OTP enabled transactions

Enjoy Convenience
Transact from Anywhere, Anytime 24x7

Step 1
Login in to RBL
Bank Internet Banking

Step 2
Click on
’Mutual Funds’ tab

Step 3
Open Online
Investment Account

Step 4
Start Investing
RBL Bank customers can start investing on INVEST FIRST++ through both Internet Banking and MoBank (mobile banking).
RBL Bank Customer must be:
Resident Individual having savings account OR NRI having NRE or NRO savings account OR joint savings account holder with either or survivor mode of operation.
KYC compliant with one of the SEBI registered KRAs (KYC registration agency).
RBL Bank Internet Banking active.
Important Points:
Joint savings account holders are allowed to open single investment account. For opening of joint investment account, both account holders need to visit nearest RBL Bank branch and submit physical ISA form.
Existing investment account holders whose Invest First is inactive can log on to RBL Bank Internet Banking and activate it instantly.
RBL Bank customers can log on to Internet Banking and open online investment account within 5 minutes and start mutual fund investments on INVEST FIRST++ Non RBL Bank customers need to open instant digital savings account first, register on Internet Banking and then register for online investment account. No branch visit and documentation is required for any of the above case.
The customer must be- a) Resident Individual having savings account or NRI having NRE or NRO savings account with RBL Bank or Joint savings account holder with either or survivor mode of operation b) KYC compliant with one of SEBI registered KRAs (KYC registration agency) c) Internet Banking active
There are no account opening charges and there is no mandate on minimum investment amount. You can start an SIP with as low as Rs. 500
It will take less than 5 minutes to open the online investment account, provided you meet the eligibility criteria and name in PAN matches with the bank records.
Yes it is required in all cases
You can start investing instantly after opening the online investment account. You can place a request even on a holiday. However, your request will be processed at the earliest on the next business day with units allocated/redeemed/ switched at the applicable NAV for that particular day.
Account on hold/ under process means that the name in customer’s PAN does not match with records available with bank. Our operations team is reviewing your case and you will be communicated within 3 business days after applying, whether your account is approved or not.
Yes it is possible. First, you need to undertake change of broker code in favor of RBL Bank by submitting a standard broker change request with the AMC / Registrar. Please visit the nearest RBL Bank branch to seek clarification with Investor counselor. Thereafter, once RBL Bank is registered as a Distributor for that Folio, you need to submit Offline to Online Conversion Request Form to convert offline folios to online to see and transact on INVEST FIRST++. Please find the forms in Quick Links tab.