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India Start Up is a platform only for display of offers/ services provided by third parties to RBL Bank's customers. RBL Bank is hosting the India Start Up purely for the convenience of its customers to display the offers extended by third parties to RBL Bank’s customers. The Services are being offered solely by the third parties and RBL Bank is not rendering any of these Services. RBL Bank is not undertaking the business of providing services by hosting the India Start Up platform. RBL Bank will not earn any commission or any other fee upon its customers viewing the offers made available by third parties or availing of services offered by third parties, except the customary considerations for use of payment gateway facility. The customer is free to avail such services from any other sources/ platforms by using any other payment mechanism. RBL Bank is merely facilitating the payment to its customers by providing the payment gateway services. By hosting India Start Up platform, RBL Bank is neither guaranteeing nor giving any warranty nor making any representation with respect to the offers/ services made by third parties. RBL Bank is neither endorsing third parties/ services nor responsible for quality of the services under the offer of third parties. Any information on India Start Up website or about third parties or services being offered by third parties has not been verified by RBL Bank. RBL Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any such information/ services. RBL Bank will not bear any obligation or liability if a customer avails such services of third parties. If the customer choose to avail any services of third parties, RBL Bank will neither be a party to nor in any manner concerned with such services of third partied nor be liable or responsible for any act or omission of third parties or the customer. All service related queries/complaints will be addressed by the respective third parties only. It is understood that in availing services from such third parties the customers/ persons so availing deal with such third party directly.