Farmer Finance and Crop Loan

Product Features
Kisan Credit Card is a unique offering to cater production as well as investment credit requirements of the farmers.The Scheme aims at providing timely and adequate credit to farmers in a hassle free manner under a single window. RBL Bank offer Rupay enabled Smart KCC Card to its farmers with a validity up to 5 years.
Crop Loan is provided to meet the farm credit requirements in a holistic manner which includes cultivation expenses, hi-quality Agri inputs, emergency credit, post-harvest management expenses and maintenance of farm assets etc.
Under Dairy Loan programme RBL Bank offers short term and long term credit for promoting high quality cattle purchase, purchase of feed/fodder, construction of Dairy shed, purchase of Bulk Milk Chillers and other requirements to setup Dairy farm.
RBL Bank offers loan for poultry and fisheries development activities. This may include working capital and term loan for purchase of poultry birds, fingerlings/young fishes, feed/medicines, construction of shed, fish mesh, nets, boat/gears etc.
Micro Irrigation needs like installation of Dug/Bore Well, drip/sprinkler, lift irrigation system, pump set etc. are covered under this product thereby catering all term requirements related to irrigation.
Horticulture Loan caters all the horticultural and plantation needs like setting up of horticultural nursery, projects, vegetable and floricultural nursery etc. This also covers subsidy projects approved by National Horticultural Board and other institutions.
Agri Allied Activities include activities like land development, land levelling, fencing, spraying, weeding, sorting, grading are covered under this loan which cater to various on-field requirement.
Click here to know about KISAN CREDIT CARD.
Note: The Bank will update customer about the loan decision in approximately 30 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application form and all the required documents.