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Bajaj Allianz Life ACE

The plan offers a life cover to secure your family in case you are not around, choice of income as you would want or a lump sum to meet your life goals.


Bajaj Allianz Life Flexi Income Goal

This plan offers the possibility to provide cash bonuses as early as the first month.


Bajaj Allianz Life Income Assure

A limited premium payment and monthly income endowment savings plan is the exclusive and beneficial Life Income Assure.


Bajaj Allianz Life LongLife Goal

Choose Bajaj Allianz Life LongLife Goal for your financial future and retirement.


Bajaj Allianz Life Guaranteed Income Goal

Bajaj Allianz Life Guaranteed Income Goal helps you get closer to your goals and dreams.


Bajaj Allianz Life POS Goal Suraksha

This plan offers a guaranteed maturity amount while safeguarding you and your loved ones from unexpected life events.


Bajaj Allianz Life Smart Protection Goal

This plan is designed to protect your family from potential financial difficulty in the event of your passing.