Best practices for API

Working with user data, may be personal or financial, can be tricky & a delicate issue. The people are extra cautious about how, where and with whom they trust their data will be. As developers, it’s our job to ensure that users’ data is treated with extreme integrity and with highest possible security standards.
You may often wonder - what’s the best practice to start with, how do I make sure that user data is well maintained and managed and what is the highest level of security can be achieved? How I can communicate this to users/clients and other consumers, so that they’re willing to take a foot forward to put their data in the hands of developer.
We wish to provide an interesting insights into the best practices we have developed during the time we spent while we building and scaling our financial products.
First thing first:
The due diligence is the critical step in ensuring top-level data security at the parties intending to integrate with. To build user’s trust in the application, you have to showcase them why someone should take a step forward to trust and integrate with your systems.
The preliminary step would be to identify your company’s requirements and formulate a wide-ranging security policy around the same. The next step is to build a use/business/functional case around your current and expected solutions. Get acquainted with the security parameters and standards built by the partner.
Continuously engage with the provider to understand change or revision of product/services you are consuming, get familiar with the new concepts if any, check for your processes that can be benefited by new or upgraded services by service provider and reap the benefits on process efficiency. One of the thing we would like to reiterate is - generally, the reputation goes a long way with consumers of the services. People like to know that their data is in the hands of qualified individuals who have experience in the industry.
Know your business case; showcase it:
Communicating the use/business case to users can be challenging, especially for a starters. You need to convey handful information to reassuring the function you are willing to undertake, without getting into the weeds of technical slangs or jargon. Overly used technical language may intimidate the layman and disinterest the engagement.
In any case, you are required to clearly articulate the correct business/use case.
Build your business processes on the shoulder of competent service provider:
Data protection and privacy is critical as more and more finance going open in the domestic and international marketplace. It becomes enough challenging within the industry, but when dealing with huge data can really be complex for all business layers in the market.
In such a scenario, working with a trusted service provider and leveraging its experience in the industry can really work to advantage to the businesses.
One of the benefits, for businesses, of working with our platform is that you can ride along with what are currently doing. As a startup or a small or big business owner, you are responsible for the compliance of your consumer’s data. However, standing on the shoulders of trusted solution providers takes you long way.
These are the few insights we learned on how to communicate, verify and scale business functions/processes. APIs allows you to bring next levels of services and engagement with your system /app that wouldn’t be possible either way.
We hope these points help you in your way to integration. Please share questions or tips through our contact us section.
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